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Thermal Imaging Technology

                               Thermal imaging technology evolved in Britain to support the military activities especially for anti-aircraft activities. Thermal imaging can provide valuable information that is practically impossible to capture with any other tool in real time . One of its application thermal scanner which can identify the presence of people affected with fever during corona or H1N1 outbreak can reduce risk moreover the  time for identifying the threats. So in this article we will share the working and recent  trends in thermal imaging technology .
Thermal imaging is a technique of using heat given off by an object to produce an image of it or to locate it . This images  are taken with the help of a infrared camera. Then it is processed with the help of thermal imaging software with an advanced algorithm.

 Thermal imaging technology has become one of the most valuable diagnosing tool in 
  • Building Inspection
  • Border security
  •  Medical & Research
  •  Agriculture and food processing
  •  Condition Monitoring & Volacanology
  • Weather Forecasting
  • Production

Infrared energy coming from an object is focused by the optics onto an infrared detector. The detector sends the information to sensor electronics for image processing. Inside the  thermal camera, there are a bunch of tiny measuring devices that capture infrared radiation, called micro bolometers, and each pixel has one. From there, the micro bolometer records the temperature and then assigns that pixel to an appropriate color. Which allows temperature values to be read from the image. In order to do this, complex algorithms are incorporated into the thermal imaging camera.
·         Detects infrared radiation or heat source
·         Thermal imaging cameras produce a visible image of a target’s thermal profile
·         Advanced algorithm reads correct temperature values from the image.

Temperature measurement in rotary cooler               Temperature measurement of molten pig iron         

Thermal imaging technology widely used in building diagnostics. It is easy to scan an entire building to  detect problems associated with ventilation, water proofing ,electrical heating  and energy losses.  In the area of security & surveillance Indian forces also using this technology to locate the infiltration across borders. Indian airforce detected the terrorists attacked Indian airbase at Pathankot by using thermal imaging  camera. Indian Armed Forces operate Israeli built Heron and Searcher Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) both of which are fitted with extremely sensitive thermal imaging devices which can pick up the movement of infiltrators based on heat signatures that their bodies generate.    

In recent years thermal imaging play a major role in mass screening , In areas such as airports to monitor the potential spread of virus like H1N1, Corona by identifying fever symptoms especially human body temperature . Over all it is a promising technological invention that can be used to measure or observe subjects in areas hazardous or inaccessible.

    Thermal scanner at Incheon airport south korea.         Thermal image of a residential building.